


获学术奖励5项(含行业学会科技进步二等奖2项(第1),三等奖1项(第1);省部级科技进步二等奖1项),发表论文 200余篇(含中科院一区top期刊科学通报、中国科学、MICROBIOL SPECTR (IF=9.043)、ENVIRON MICROBIOL等),编写著作 28部(主编、副主编6部),获授权专利30件(美国专利1件)。主持项目30余项(国家自然基金5项,北京市自然基金1项)。培养硕博研究生 40余人。其中6人次获国家奖学金,6 人获得北京协和医学院学业一等奖学金,1 人获得北京协和医学院学业二等奖学金, 4 人获药植所 Top10 奖学金,1人获得药植所博硕士科研排名第一,获top1年终奖。


1.    Sun X, Zhang X, Zhang G, Miao Y, Zeng T,Zhang M, Zhang H, Zhang L, Huang L*. Environmental Response to Root SecondaryMetabolite Accumulation in Paeonia lactiflora: Insights from RhizosphereMetabolism and Root-Associated Microbial Communities. Microbiol Spectr.2022 Dec21;10(6):e0280022.

2.    Miao Yujing, Zhang Xinke, Pei Jin, LiuChang, Huang Linfang*. Adaptive bacterial and fungal matching between aparasitic plant and its host: A case of Cistanche deserticola and Haloxylonammodendron[J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2023, 191: 115932.

3.    Sun Xiao, Pei Jin, Lin Yulin, Li Baoli,Zhang Li, Ahmad Bashir, Huang LinFang*. Revealing the Impact of the Environmenton Cistanche salsa: From Global Ecological Regionalization to Soil MicrobialCommunity Characteristics. J Agric Food Chem. 2020, 12;68(32):8720-8731.

4.    Tiexin Zeng , Xiao Sun, Yujing Miao ,Shengjiu Gu, Lixia Tian, Yan Zheng , Yuan Jiang , Xinke Zhang, Zhan Feng , JinPei* , Linfang Huang* .Integrating bioclimatic factors and secondary metabolismto predict the suitable producing area of plants with high specific metabolitecontent in a real-world environment - a case of Carthamus tinctoriusL.Industrial Crops & Products 177 (2022) 114545.

5.    Tiexin Zeng, Qi Xiao, Jianuo Zhang, XiaoSun, Baolin Guo, Jin Pei* and Lin-Fang Huang*. Identification of a secondaryQ-marker in high-quality ecotypes of Carthamus tinctorius L. and exploration ofthe target preference?. 15 Feb 2023, Food Funct, Advance Articlehttps://doi.org/10.1039/D2FO02596E

6.    Lizhi Wang, Zhen Wang , Weiwei Gao , JuanChen , Meihua Yang , Ying Kuang , Linfang Huang * ,Shilin Chen. Simultaneousdetermination of a?atoxin B1 and ochratoxin A in licoriceroots and fritillaria bulbs by Solid-phase extraction and high performanceliquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry[J]. Food chemistry,138:1048-1054,2013.

7.    Yan Zheng, Xiao Sun, Yujing Miao, ShunwangQin, Yuan Jiang, Xiang Zhang, Linfang Huang*. A systematic study on thechemical diversity and efficacy of inflorescence and succulent stem ofCynomorium songaricum, Food function, 2021, 12, 7501–7513.

8.    Huang Linfang, Yagura Toru, Chen Shilin.Sedative activity of hexane extract of Keampferia galanga L. and its activecompounds[J]. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 2008, 120(1).

9.    Duan Baozhong, Huang Linfang*, Chen Shilin*.Study on the destructive effect to inherent quality of Fritillaria thunbergiiMiq. (Zhebeimu) by sulfur-fumigated process using chromatographicfingerprinting analysis[J]. Phytomedicine, 2012, 19(6):562-8.

10.   Xiao Sun, Lin Li, Jin Pei*, Chang Liu* &LinFang Huang*.Metabolome and transcriptome profiling reveals quality variationand underlying regulation of three ecotypes for Cistanche deserticola. PlantMolecular biology. Plant Mol Biol, (2020) 102:253–269.

11.   Xiao Sun,Yan Zheng,Lixia Tian,YujingMiao,Tiexin Zeng,Yuan Jiang, Jin Pei,Bashir Ahmad,Linfang Huang*.Metabolomeprofiling and molecular docking analysis revealed the metabolic differences andpotential pharmacological mechanisms of the inflorescence and succulent stem ofCistanche deserticola[J]. RSC Advances, 2021, 11(44): 27226-27245.

12.   Miao, Yujing.#, Chen, Haimei.#, Xu, Wanqi.,Yang,Qiaoqiao.,Liu,Chang.,Huang,Linf-ang*. Structural mutations of smallsingle copy (SSC) region in the plastid gen-omes of five Cistanche species andinter-species identification. BMC Plant Biol ,2022,22, 412.

13.   Yujing Miao, Xinke Zhang, Guoshuai Zhang,Zhan Feng, Jin Pei, Chang Liu and Linfang Huang*. From guest to host: parasiteCistanche deserticola shapes and dominates bacterial and fungal communitystructure and network complexity. Environmental Microbiome 18, 11 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40793-023-00471-3

14.黄林芳,郑司浩,武拉斌,降雪,陈士林*. 基于化学成分与分子特征中药材肉苁蓉生态型研究. 中国科学: 生命科学,2014,44(3): 318 ~ 328.

15.陈士林*, 向丽, 李琳, 邬兰, 黄林芳*, 张栋, 孙鹏. 青蒿素原料生产与资源再生全球战略研究.科学通报,2017,62(18), 1982-1996.

16.黄林芳,张翔,陈士林*. 道地药材品质生态学研究进展, 世界科学技术-中医药现代化,2019,21(5):844-853.

17.黄林芳,张翔,杜志霞.道地药材传承与创新研究理论新探[J].中国实验方剂学杂志, 2018,24(15):26-34.



2.《中国土家族常用药物图谱》主编,军事医学科学出版社, 2016


4.《常见药用植物快速识别》副主编,中国林业出版社, 2017

5.《常用中药材及饮片快速识别》副主编,中国林业出版社, 2015





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