丁刚,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师,现就职于中国医学科学院药用植物研究所天然药物化学中心。2006年硕士毕业于南京大学分子医药国家重点实验室,2009毕业于中国科学院微生物研究所真菌学国家重点实验室;目前从事药用植物与真菌活性成分分析、鉴定与生物合成等方面研究。已经在Organic Letters, Journal of NaturalProducts, Phytochemistry, Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, ChineseChemical Letters等专业期刊上发表相关SCI收录论文90余篇,申请专利3项,曾获教育部自然科学一等奖1项,参与编著《天然有机化合物核磁共振碳谱集》;主持国家自然科学基金2项,中央级公益性科研院所项目2项,协和青年基金1项,协和青年骨干教师基金1项,药物所国家重点实验室开放基金2项,参与十三五国家重大研发计划1项,主持国家科技重大专项子课题1项;国家自然基金评审专家,Plants杂志编委(Q1区);Journal of Natural Products, Journal ofAgriculture and Food Chemistry, Phytochemistry, Bioorganic Chemistry, ChineseChemical Letters, Chinese Natural Medicine, 《菌物学报》,《微生物学报》,《微生物学通报》,《生物工程学报》,《生物化学与分子生物学》等杂志审稿人;中国菌物学会终生会员,中国菌物学会青年工作委员会副主任委员,中国菌物化学委员会委员,中国药用真菌专业委员会委员,中国饲料协会生物饲料技术委员会委员,北京天然药物专业委员会委员。
1. Peng Liu, Yue Tan, Jian Yang, Yan-Duo Wang, Qi Li, Bing-DaSun, Xiao-Ke Xing, Di-An Sun, Sheng-Xiang Yang* and Gang Ding*,Bioactive SecondaryMetabolites from Endophytic Strains of Neocamarosporiumbetae Collected from Desert Plants, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, online.
2. Yue Tan, Yan-Duo Wang,Qi Li, Xiao-Ke Xing, Shu-Bin Niu, Bing-Da Sun, Lin Chen, Rui-Le Pan, Gang Ding*,Undescribed diphenyl ethers betaethrins A-I from adesert plant endophyticstrain of the fungus Phoma betae A.B. Frank (Didymellaceae), Phytochemistry 2022, 201, 113264.
3. Yan-Duo Wang, Jian Yang, Qi Li, Yuan-Yuan Li, Xiang-MeiTan, Si-Yang Yao, Shu-Bin Niu, Hui Deng, Lan-Ping Guo* and GangDing*, UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS analysis of seco-sativenesesquiterpenoids to detect new and bioactive analogues from plant pathogen bipolarissorokiniana, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13, 807014.
4. Xiang-Mei Tan, Qi Li, Yan-Duo Wang, Tie-Lin Wang, JianYang, Bing-Da Sun, Lan-Ping Guo* and Gang Ding*, UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS analysis of the guaiane sesquiterpenoids oxytropiolsA–J and detection of undescribed analogues from the locoweed endophytic fungus Alternariaoxytropis (Pleosporaceae), Phytochemical Analysis, 2022;1–11.
5. Zhen-Lu Xu, Dao-Jiang Yan, Xiang-Mei Tan, Shu-Bin Niu, MengYu, Bing-Da Sun, Cai-Feng Ding, Yong-Gang Zhang,* GangDing*, Phaeosphspirone(1/1′), a pair of unique polyketide enantiomers with an unusual 6/5/5/6tetracyclic ring from the desert plant endophytic fungus Phaeosphaeriaceaesp. Phytochemistry, 2022, 185, 112701.
6. LixinShi, Li Han, Zeyu Zhao, Qi Li, Yanduo Wang, Gang Ding* and XiaokeXing*, Furanoids from the Gymnadenia conopsea (Orchidaceae) seed germinationsupporting fungus Ceratobasidium sp. (GS2) Frontiers inMicrobiology, 2022, 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1037292.
7. Xiao-Yan Zhang,Xiang-Mei Tan,Meng Yu,Jian Yang,Bing-Da Sun,Jian-Chun Qin,*Lan-Ping Guo,*Gang Ding*, Bioactive metabolites from thedesert plant-associated endophytic fungus Chaetomium globosum (Chaetomiaceae)Phytochemistry, 2021, 185, 1-7.
8. Yuan-YuanLi, Xiang-Mei Tan, Jian Yang, Lan-Ping Guo,* and Gang Ding*Naturally occurring seco-sativene sesquiterpenoid: chemistry and biology,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68,9827?9838. (Q1)
9. Yuan-YuanLi, Xiang-Mei Tan, Yan-Duo Wang, Jian Yang, Yong-Gang Zhang,* Bing-Da Sun, TingGong, Lan-Ping Guo,* and Gang Ding,* Bioactive seco-sativenesesquiterpenoids from an Artemisia desertorum endophytic fungus, Cochliobolussativus, Journal of Natural Products, 2020, 83, 1488-1494.
10. Meng-HuaWang, Xiao-Yan Zhang, Xian-Mei Tan, Shu-Bin Niu, Bing-Da Sun, Meng Yu, GangDing*, and Zhong-Mei Zou*, Chetocochliodins A?I, epipoly(thiodioxopiperazines)from Chaetomium cochliodes, Journal of Natural Products,2020, 83, 805-813.
11. B.Song, L. Y. Li, H. Shang, Y. Liu, M. Yu, G. Ding,* and Z. M. Zou*Trematosphones A and B, two unique dimeric structures from the desert plantendophytic fungus Trematosphaeria terricola, Organic Letters,2019, 21, 2139–2142.
12. Xiangmei Tan, Xiaoyan Zhang, Meng Yu,Yongtao Yu, Zhe Guo,Ting Gong, Shubin Niu, Jianchun Qin, Zhongmei Zou, and GangDing*, Sesquiterpenoids and mycotoxin swainsonine from the Locoweed endophytic fungus Alternariaoxytropis. Phytochemistry, 2019, 164, 154-161.
13. M. H. Wang, Y. C. Hu, B. D. Sun, M. Yu, S. B. Niu, Z.Guo, X. Y. Zhang, T. Zhang, G. Ding* and Z. M. Zou,* Highly photosensitive poly-sulfur bridged chetominanalogs from Chaetomium cochliodes, Organic Letters, 2018, 20, 1806–1809.
14. X. Y. Zhang, Z. L. Liu, B. D. Sun, S. B. Niu, M. H. Wang,X. M. Tan, Z. M. Zou, G. Ding*, Bioactiveresorcylic acid lactones with different ring systems from desert plantendophytic fungus Chaetosphaeronema hispidulur, Journal ofAgricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66 8976–8982.
15. X. M. Tan, Amada. J. Chen, B. Wu, G. S. Zhang and Gang Ding,* A mini-review:advance of swainsonine biosynthesis, Chinese Chemical Letters,2018, 29, 417–422.
16. LinChen, Shu-Bin Niu, Li Li, Gang Ding,* Meng Yu, Gui-shan Zhang,Meng-hua Wang, Lu-ying Li, Tao Zhang, Hong-Mei Jia, Hong-wu Zhang, Hai Shang,Xing-zhong Liu, and Zhong-mei Zou*, Trichoderpyrone, a unique polyketide hybridwith a cyclopentenone?pyrone skeleton from the plant endophytic fungus Trichodermagamsii, Journal of Natural Products, 2017, 80, 1944?1947.
17. Gang Ding, Jing Wang, Jiao-Dong Fei, Rong-Tao Li, Hong-Mei Jia,Tao Zhang, Chang-Yuan Yu*, Zhong-Mei Zou*, Fimbrialtols K–M, highlyfunctionalized ent-kaurane diterpenoids from traditional Chinese plant Flickingeriafimbriata (B1.) Hawkes, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2018, 26,593–596.
18. Tao Jiang, Menghua Wang, Li Li, Jinguang Si,Bo Song, Cao Zhou,Meng Yu, Xuewei Wang, Yonggang Zhang, Gang Ding,* and ZhongmeiZou*, Overexpression of the global regulator LaeA in Chaetomium globosumleads to the biosynthesis of chaetoglobosin Z, Journal of NaturalProducts, 2016, 79, 2487?2494.
19. Meng-HuaWang, Li Li, Tao Jiang, Xue-Wei Wang, Bin-Da Sun, Bo Song, Qiu-Bo Zhang,Hong-Mei Jia, Gang Ding,* and Zhong-Mei Zou*, Stereochemicaldetermination of tetrahydropyran-substituted xanthones from fungus Chaetomiummurorum, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2015, 26, 1507–1510.
20. Gang Ding, Hailou Wang, Li Li,Bo Song, Hong Chen, Hongwu Zhang, Xinzhong Liu, and Zhongmei Zou*,Trichodermone, a spiro-cytochalasan with a tetracyclic nucleus (7/5/6/5)skeleton from the plant endophytic fungusTrichoderma gamsii, Journalof Natural Products, 2014, 77, 164?167.
21. Gang Ding, Fan Zhang, Hong Chen,Liangdong Guo, Zhongmei Zou, and Yongsheng Che. Pestaloquinols A and B,isoprenylated epoxyquinols from Pestalotiopsissp. Journal of NaturalProducts,2011, 74,286–291.
22. Guishan Zhang, Fan Zhang, Gang Ding,Jie Li, Xiaopeng Guo, Jinxing Zhu, Liguang Zhou,Shichun Cai, Xiaoli Liu, Yuanming Luo, Guifeng Zhang,Wenyuan Shi and Xiuzhu Dong. Acylhomoserine lactone-based quorum sensing in a methanogenic archaeon. ISME Journal. 2012, 6, 1336–1344.
23. Fan Zhang#, Gang Ding#,Li Li, Xiaoyue Cai, Yikang Si, Liangdong Guo, andYongsheng Che, Isolation, antimicrobial activity, and absolute configuration ofthe furylidene tetronic acid core of pestalotic acids A–G. Organic & BiomolecularChemistry. 2012, 10,5307–5314.
24. Ling-LingYu, Wei-Cheng Hu, Gang Ding, Rong-Tao Li, Jian-He Wei, Zhong-MeiZou,* and Myeong-Hyeon Wang*, Gusanlungionosides A-D, potential tyrosinaseinhibitors from Arcangelisia gusanlung, Journal of NaturalProducts, 2011, 74, 1009–1014.
25. Guo-AnZou, Gang Ding, Zhi-Heng Su, Jun-Shan Yang, Hone-Wu Zhang,Chao-Zhong Peng, Haiji Akber Aisa, and Zhong-Mei Zou*, Lactonecembranoids from Crotonlaevigatus, Journal of Natural Products, 2010, 73, 792–795.
26. Gang Ding, Yan Li, Shaobin Fu,Shuchun Liu, Jiangchun Wei, and Yongsheng Che. Ambuic acid and torreyanic acid derivatives from the endolichenic fungus Pestalotiopsissp. Journal ofNatural Products,2009, 72, 182–186.
27. Gang Ding, Zhihui Zheng, ShuchunLiu, Hua Zhang, Liangdong Guo, and Yongsheng Che. Photinides A–F, cytotoxicbenzofuranone-derived γ-lactones from the plant endophytic fungus Pestalotiopsisphotiniae. Journalof Natural Products,2009, 72, 942–945.
28. Gang Ding, Shuchun Liu,Liangdong Guo, Yuguang Zhou, and Yongsheng Che. Antifungal metabolites from the plant endophytic fungus Pestalotiopsisfoedan. Journalof Natural Products,2008, 71, 615–618.
29. Hui Ming Ge, Wei Yun Zhang, Gang Ding, Patchareenart Saparpakorn, Yong Chun Song, SupaHannongbuac and Ren Xiang Tan. Chaetoglobins A and B, two unusual alkaloidsfrom endophytic Chaetomium globosumculture. Chem. Commun., 2008, 5978–5980.
30. Gang Ding, Lihua Jiang,Liangdong Guo, Xulin Chen, Hua Zhang,?and Yongsheng Che. Pestalazines andpestalamides, bioactive metabolites from the plant pathogenic fungus Pestalotiopsis theae. Journal of Natural Products,2008, 71, 1861–1865.
31. Gang Ding, Yong C. Song, Jing R.Chen, Chen Xu, Hui M. Ge, Xiao T. Wang, and Ren X. Tan. Chaetoglobosin U, a cytochalasan alkaloid from endophytic Chaetomiumglobosum IFB-E019. Journal of Natural Products,2006, 69, 302-304.